Since 1994 Sudcantieri has always received the Blue Flag, a prestigious international award assigned by FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) to those landing places and reception structures that ensure a high quality system compliant with environmental education. People who arrive in Sudcantieri find high quality customer service, cutting edge equipment and protection of the marine environment.
A few easy rules to follow that help to sail and enjoy the sea safely and responsibly:
- Do not throw rubbish into the sea or along the coast;
- Do not drain sewage water into the sea, along the coast or in protected areas;
- Do not empty containers holding toxic liquids or throw other hazardous waste into the sea (old, burnt oil, old batteries, paints, solvents, detergents,etc);
- Sort the rubbish on board;
- Make sure your boat-maintenance products respect the environment;
- Immediately inform the authorities about anything that may harm the environment;
- Do not break any laws regarding fishing methods;
- Protect and respect the marine fauna and flora;
- Do not damage the sea bed particularly in the presence of posidonia grass or underwater archaeological sites;
- Do not buy or use objects that derive from protected species;
- Encourage environmental protection when meeting other boat owners;
- If possible, reduce water and electricity consumption and the use of combustibles.